

Friday, November 8, 2019

Best method to make money on RS3-F2P?

Who does not play RuneScape 3 for not just its fun, but also for the memories especially when it comes to OSRS (Old School RuneScape) no matter how much I take a break from this game, I always come back; it has become an addiction which might be the same for you as well

Without further ado I will present the easiest AND one of the most profitable ways in F2P worlds where you can make 1-2m per hour

 First go to the Lodestone for Draynor Village marked with red in the picture below and go to where it says "You are here" next to Wizard Tower

Second kill spellwisps -these bad boys shown in red- the best way is to kill them is to use ranged weapons, but I use melee and it's fine. You don't need to worry about them as they are low level; only 650 HP - they are about six (6) in the area and they keep re-spawning

 After you kill them, collect nothing but "Impious ashes" and you can also collect "Water talisman" if you wish 

Fill up your backpack with Impious ashes (and possibly water talisman - but take note that they are rare drops after killing spellwisps) - it takes me around 5 minutes to fill up my backpack with Impious ashes but you can do it in less time 

After you're done collecting the 28 units, go back as if you're going to the Draynor Lodestone where you will find the bank on your away then deposit these ashes 

Each ash is worth 2340 GP and they are pretty quick to sell in the Grand Exchange 

It's a very easy and straightforward way to make money and advance in the game!

Share in your comments the best ways to make GP and your opinion about this method after you try it